Much neglected, I have started my journey through the minor 2 5 1s through all the keys.
I have developed the following voicings which I like. (I’m sure they are not original!)
On the 2: b5 – 7 – 1 – 11 (so Dm7/b5 = Ab C D and G)
On the 5: #9 – 3 – #5 – 7 (So GAlt = Bb B Eb F)
On the 1: 6 (or7) – 9 – b3 – 5 (so Cm9 or 6/9 = A (or Bb) D Eb G
I like to call these B voicings as they are quite bunched together. I am running (slowly!) through all the keys, playing the chords with my left hand and the scales with my right:
- Locrian over the m7/b5
- Altered over the 5
- Dorian or Aeolian over the the 1
I hope the suffering is worth it!