Just an hour and a half this morning. In Blue Bossa I have been playing around with substituting the Ebm7 with a pretty standard chord on its tritone – A13/#11. The technique is to put play the one and the seven with your left hand, place your RH thumb one tone above the root and play the major triad (root position) +2.
So in this example to play A13/#11:
LH: A and G
RH: B C# D# F#
Altered Dominant Chords
After playing with vocabulary on dominant chords with a pupil yesterday, I have been trying different voicings including the b9 and the#9 – nice tense sound!
So good to be back on my keyboard – especially with this wonderful song. It was the pain expressed by Miles Davis’ trumpet that gripped me. I have been studying Wynton Kelly’s various phrases version, which I shall post on my Musescore channel. So after some Hannon warming up, I revised the melody – then this Wynton Kelly intro.
I couldn’t bear to be without a piano for two whole weeks..no teaching, no studying or creating..Catastrophe! So I spent many a happy, sometimes, frustrating hour with my wonderful wife replacing all the bridle straps – the little straps that pull the hammers back in place ready for the note to be played again.
Prochains Concerts / Upcoming Gigs
Piano-Bar à l'Alexane
Résidence Alexane20 Avenue du Giffre 74340Samoëns France 00 33 (0) 450 78 64 20
Apéro-musical - familial suivi par 'Digby's Cocktail Hour'. Profitez du grand salon au coin du feu pour une soirée intime et romantique !
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